Thursday, April 27, 2006

Yard Update

I went on my annual trip to Poughkeepsie this past weekend (yes it was wonderful!) and when I got home the iris in the front yard had bloomed, showing off bright purple flowers with one yellow one tucked in the middle. Also, the peonies (pe-OH-nees? pe-oh-NEES?) are beginning to bloom with a hot pink flower.

While I was gone, David waged war on the carpenter bees that have been making a meal of our shed and he seems to be winning. Lots of casualties on their part and no injuries on ours. He also finished mowing the back forty. We are praying hard for a riding lawn mower!

I put in 5 tomato plants before I left and I've already lost one due to injury and two more are looking puny. I don't need disease resistant plants as much as boy and dog resistant plants!

And, thank you to our secret housewarming fairy! Mike bought a new fixture for his room this weekend with part of his room money. I'll get pictures up as soon as I can. (David went to the Chattanooga Aquarium today with Nicholas' class and they took the camera... Remember when getting a jpeg for the computer took a week or so?)

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