Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break '08 (so far)

Well, here's an update on our Spring Break list:

sleep late and/or take naps (not nearly enough. Lots of staying up too late, though.)

*see "Horton Hears a Who" (not yet, but hopefully Saturday)

*read bunches of books (Yes! Katie and I have been quite busy ready. Unfortunately hers is for a book report that is due Tuesday.)

*visit our family in Huntsville (Yep. That is where I am typing from.)

*finally put up Katie's trim in her room (Did it Monday. It looks great!)

*throughly clean the vehicles (not yet)

*vaguely clean the house (hah!)

*finally finish unpacking (double hah!)

*put in passport applications for Katie and I (Done. She had to list her haircolor as purple.)

*play our new Wii game, Mario Brawl (lots, but more could be played...)

*finish doing the taxes (yup.)

*shop for Katie's prom dress (We've almost settled on just the right dress. More to come.)

Monday, March 17, 2008


How is it that the boys bathroom can have a generous amount of poo under the rim, and yet no one seems to know how it got there? Amazing.

Thankfully they will be getting a through lesson in bathroom cleanliness today.

Happy Spring Break!

Did you say Passports?

Yes, as a matter of fact I did.

This summer Mexico Mike has retired and Kenya Katie and Niki have been born. Our church (Belmont Church) is sponsoring a trip to help our missionaries in Kenya who run a K-8 school, Christ's Gift Academy, for about 300 children who have lost one or both parents to AIDS and other needy children in the area. Katie and I believe we are to go on this trip, although we aren't quite sure how it is going to happen. It will require gathering many intercessors and it will cost close to $4000 each for airfare, food and lodging, passports, shots and the like. We will send out support letters as soon as we can to ask for partners to help us go. Watch here for updates!

Spring Break

Hurray, it is spring break for us this week. Here are some things on our to-do list:
*sleep late and/or take naps
*see "Horton Hears a Who"
*read bunches of books
*visit our family in Huntsville
*finally put up Katie's trim in her room
*throughly clean the vehicles
*vaguely clean the house
*finally finish unpacking
*put in passport applications for Katie and I
*play our new Wii game, Mario Brawl
*finish doing the taxes
*shop for Katie's prom dress

We kicked off our celebration by going to Steak and Shake around midnight on Friday. It was wonderful! I'll let you know how the list progresses....

What a Journey!

What a journey parenting is! I vaguely remember the years before we had children, but there were only about three of them, which is in the n...