Thursday, April 30, 2009

Better than backward pants

So, does anyone remember my backwards pants incident that happened several months ago? Well I finally topped it today. I was in a rush to get out of the door this morning and when I got to school I was walking in with a co-worker and realized that I could see my shoulder pad out of the corner of my eye. I reached down to tuck it in when to my surprise I discovered I was walking into work with my shirt on inside out. The greatest part was having at least two (short) conversations with people who didn't appear to notice my dilemma. As someone pointed out, at least I didn't wait and notice it around 2 o'clock!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Notes From the Office-April 24th

I put riddles on my door every week, and the one from this week was, "What is red and smells like blue paint?" The funniest answer by far was the student who said, "I know-it's perfume! Because it rhymes."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New York 2009

What a fun weekend. I am sitting in my friend Ginny's living room after a couple of days of stiching temari with friends and laughing ourselves silly. Life is good.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Notes from the office-April 10, 2009

As an elementary school secretary I have lots of good stories to share. I'll try to start posting a few so you can get a view of life in the office.

This morning a student came in the office crying. When I asked her what had happened she told me she hit her nose another student's head. I asked her how his head was and she replied, "Hard!"

I also had a student come in during lunch and announce that he had a fever. I asked him why he thought he had a fever and his response was that he had gone swimming in the lake over the weekend and touched a fish and it made him sick. I told him I didn't think that would make him sick, so he told me that he also touched some fruit on a stick. I took his temperature and he was just fine. This was the same child who earlier in the year came in the office and told me that he was sick. I asked him how he knew and he told me that he "licked a nut."

Oh, and one final image for you. A child came in from PE and had a bump above his eye where he had been hit with a basketball. I was out of ice and alone in the office, so I grabbed the first thing I laid my hand on in the fridge and sent him back to class holding a pudding cup on his eye. Hey, it worked and I did call his mom and warn her that I had made him a pudding head.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What a Journey!

What a journey parenting is! I vaguely remember the years before we had children, but there were only about three of them, which is in the n...