Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break '08 (so far)

Well, here's an update on our Spring Break list:

sleep late and/or take naps (not nearly enough. Lots of staying up too late, though.)

*see "Horton Hears a Who" (not yet, but hopefully Saturday)

*read bunches of books (Yes! Katie and I have been quite busy ready. Unfortunately hers is for a book report that is due Tuesday.)

*visit our family in Huntsville (Yep. That is where I am typing from.)

*finally put up Katie's trim in her room (Did it Monday. It looks great!)

*throughly clean the vehicles (not yet)

*vaguely clean the house (hah!)

*finally finish unpacking (double hah!)

*put in passport applications for Katie and I (Done. She had to list her haircolor as purple.)

*play our new Wii game, Mario Brawl (lots, but more could be played...)

*finish doing the taxes (yup.)

*shop for Katie's prom dress (We've almost settled on just the right dress. More to come.)

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