Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Our latest pets

A couple of days ago Katie called me outside to look at some caterpillars in our garden. We counted 15 green, black and yellow striped ones enjoying our dill. After some research we discovered they will become black swallowtail butterflies, so we adopted four of them and set them up in the house. After a trip to Petco today for supplies we have managed to put together a caterpillar rescue program and brought all the rest of them in, too. (The birds or something had been visiting the garden, as we were down to only 8 evacuees.)

They are eating and pooping machines, but we are keeping up with cleaning and feeding as best we can. (Did you know that caterpillar poop is called "frass?") I don't know why anyone needs electronic gadgets for amusement with all the funny animals God made!

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