Friday, January 16, 2009

2009, More or Less

It seems to me that often times the resolutions we make to start a new year are all about things we do or don't want to do. Those declarations are only half of the equation. I can't commit to doing more of one thing without doing less of something else. With that in mind, I'm working on my list of resolutions for 2009, more or less.

More going to bed on time and less playing games on Save the Planet.
More time reading my Bible and less time reading murder mysteries. (There are plenty of mysteries in the Bible to keep me going.)
More water and less soda.
More fruits and veggies and less of all that other stuff.
More time with friends and less worrying about how the house looks.
More walking and less sitting.
More blogging and less just thinking about it.

That should do for a start!

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